I remember a saying from a book once I read, "love is the seed of all sufferings in this entire illusory Samara," Buddha said. Today I just realized that He was undoubtedly true... Yesterday, 25th Jan.2008 one of my close friends who is currently undergoing excruciatingly painful emotional breakdown due to broken relationship paid me a visit.......he said, had it not been for his obstinate love he wouldn't be in extreme agony. Now he started drinking hoping against hope that he may forget her but it just became pile on the gloom. He called her wishing to reconcile............he was asked to wait till doomsday that left him in gloom and doom. I said him just forget her....but deep within our heart we understandably comprehend how things at this stage is easier said than done.
Stronger the love - stronger the bond of attachment to your love object and this definitely means greater pathetically agonized sufferings when most of the time inevitably broken apart in many cases sooner or later. So I think as He said.......love is suffering!!!
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