At times this crazy head of mine has all these crazy ideas cropping up! Without having a second thought, giving a second thought to the sprouting thoughts I just go ahead and say things which I shouldn't, things which I should keep to myself.
Sometimes such thoughts of mine are important ones but other times just some silly wild crazy kiddish,babyish thoughts. Then it has me wondering why and from where such thoughts germinate and get its roots and as a counter response the very same crazy head 'o mine says because of 'this n that', 'such n such', blah blah blah and tries to get a connection, a link to such cropped up thoughts!
The 'crazy head 'o mine is definitely the boss most of the times but when my ♥ is given a chance to think it takes the power from the 'crazy head 'o mine' and generates even crazier (more) thoughts! When my ♥ takes rein from the head you can expect not-thought of thoughts! This heart brings forth tears, huge ones!!!
That time I crave for my crazy head and hope and wish so bad it take its position 'being the ever crazier boss' because though crazy it stops my tears and saves me from 'those puffy eyes'. But I tell you, if my head gives even a little attention to my ♥ it becomes stubborn and wants to be the leader. My head then is taken for a ride, roller-coaster ride!
One time my ♥ makes itself in-sync with my 'crazy head', make my head rule (my head smiles then) for a bit but that is my ♥'s tactic. It ever wants to stay and lead my head. Ofcourse my ♥ isn't bad. It is the best when given its own space.
It shows the loveable side of me. I look happy and may be a little pretty too! (smiles) :) But uh-uh my ♥ should be secondary. If I let my ♥ lead than I would become fragile (which I don't want to be).
I was strong, am strong and wants to be strong with my heart following my 'crazy (sometimes wise) head silently and ruling may be as and when really needed by my crazy (sometimes sweet) head. That time my head (sometimes funny) and my lovely ♥ is in perfect sync (as if made for each other)...sigh love love love...BIG TIME, mwah!
I can go on and on with thoughts from my head and my ♥ but would love to end it when (now) on a sweet note!
So from my crazy head and my ♥ Love, Hugs and Kisses ...
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
"Broken Heart"

"I will never forget the days we once had
The days when you were everything to me
My mind used to tell me we'd be together forever
But now I realize that was all a big dream
The feelings I have for you will never go
I wish I could take back that one regretful day
The day when I willingly let you slide from my arms
Never did I think of the astonishing pain of regrets
That I would once have to live through
The sight of you in someone else's arms
Makes my heart shatter into a million pieces
I sometimes wonder if you still think of me
Or if to you, I'm just a face in the crowd
I wish so very much that one day we can have it all back
But for now, I'll sit here silently
Remembering all the memories we once shared
Everyday my love grows much stronger
Hoping that one day you will feel the same
And put back the pieces of my broken heart."
Monday, July 11, 2011
Love love love
Want to close my eyes,take a leap of faith
these doubt in my heart, make me hesitate
what feel right, seem wrong at it take place
forever my love, bury in vain
forever my heart will never feel pain
vow to the heart, that will never again
the angel of darkness, that have been rise
feeding on hatred of mortal's life
a small wicket heart, that tho to die
this little angel that had pass by
showed her the beauty, that her darkness have been hide
the stars above, the moon that shine
little by little dark angel receive
holy over come darkness
love over come pain
little by little she feel that heart beat again =))
these doubt in my heart, make me hesitate
what feel right, seem wrong at it take place
forever my love, bury in vain
forever my heart will never feel pain
vow to the heart, that will never again
the angel of darkness, that have been rise
feeding on hatred of mortal's life
a small wicket heart, that tho to die
this little angel that had pass by
showed her the beauty, that her darkness have been hide
the stars above, the moon that shine
little by little dark angel receive
holy over come darkness
love over come pain
little by little she feel that heart beat again =))
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