The reason a dog has so many friends is that he wags his tail and not his tongue.
Doesn’t worry about knowing people
just make you worth knowing?
Friends are those rare people who ask how we are and then wait to hear the answer.
If you can buy a person's friendship,
it is not worth having.
True friends have hearts that beat as one.
If you cannot think of any nice things to say about your friends,
then you have the wrong friends.
Make friends before you need them.
If you were another person,
would you want to be a friend of yours?
A good friend is one who neither looks down on you nor keeps up with you.
Be friendly with the folks you know..
if it weren't for them you would be a total stranger.
A simple friend expects you to always be there for them.
A real friend expects to always be there for you!
A friend is never known till he is needed.
Friendship is a responsibility...
not an opportunity.
Friends are those who speak to you after others don't.
Pick your friends, but not to pieces.
The way to have friends is to be willing to lose some arguments.
If a friend makes a mistake,
don't rub it in....rub it out.
Deal with other's faults as gently as if they were your own.
People are judged by the company they keep
and the company they keep away from.
A friend is a person who can step on your toes
without messing your shine.
The best mirror is an old friend
Make new friends, but keep the old,
one is silver, the other is gold.
You will never have a friend if you must have one without faults.
Doing nothing for your friends results in having no friends to do for.
Anyone can give advice,
but a real friend will lend a helping hand.
You can make more friends by being interested in them
than trying to have them be interested in you.
A real friend is a person who,
when you've made a fool of yourself,
lets you forget it.
A friend is a person who listens attentively
while you say nothing.
You can buy friendship with friendship,
but never with dollars.
True friends are like diamonds,
precious but rare;
false friends are like autumn leaves,
found everywhere.
A friend is someone who thinks you're a good egg
even though you're slightly cracked.
Friendship is the cement that holds the world together.
Friends are quiet angels
who lift us to our feet
when our wings have trouble
remembering how to fly.
A friend is one that knows you as you are,
understands where you have been,
accepts what you have become,
and still, gently allows you to grow
William Shakespeare.
Friends are people
You should never erase
Like delicate flowers
You couldn't replace
Always there
Through thick and thin
They'll listen to your problems
Again and again
They stay by your side
When no one else cares
And give the you love
No one else shares
Friends are angels
From heaven above
Beautiful people
You should always love
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